Just thought I would share what's been keeping me busy these past few nights... I bought this calendar kit from Quirky Kits way back in 2009 when it first came out & the beautifully packaged pink box it came in has been staring accusingly at me ever since!! So I metaphorically rolled my sleeves up & delved in & y'know once I got going it wasn't that hard & I have to say I'm pleased with the result.
Unfortunately the kit is now sold out but there are others to choose from (and the rumour is a new one is due out fairly soon!!) & I do love them... I think they're eclectic & edgy... something I aspire to but may never achieve, Lol!!
The intention is to use the mini-book to record important moments through the year, things that I want to remember & look back on & hopefully it will become a record of treasured moments in 2010!
So, you've seen the cover, now for the inner pages...

I hope you enjoyed looking at this, a totally different approach to what I've been blogging in recent months but I'm still trying to find 'my' style...maybe I'll be able to write about it in my new book - Lol!!
Thank you so much for looking...
Nikki xxx